This survey, along with the Accessibility Feedback Tool, will allow us to better plan for an inclusive school. We value the input of our school community in identifying both the successes and barriers that impact the participation of individuals in the life of our school. Your feedback will greatly assist us in the development of our Accessibility plan. Please take a few minutes to complete the following survey. If you require paper copies or need support completing this form, please contact the administration.
At Evergreen Independent School, we want to learn about specific barriers or helpful supports that people encounter when they are trying to: Access a school program, building, or school information, or Receive a service or support. The Evergreen Independent School Accessibility Committee will review your feedback each term and will be used for the revision of future accessibility planning. If you need accommodation for your student or if this is an urgent matter, please contact the school directly. If you require paper copies or need support completing this form, please contact the administration.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging
Evergreen Independent School's DEIB statement: Our community matters
This includes students, staff, parents & guardians, volunteers, and guests. Evergreen Independent School (EIS) upholds principles of respect for human rights and the diversity of humankind. EIS continues to define diversity as a range of racial identifications, ancestries, nationalities, native languages, socioeconomic backgrounds, family structures, ages, belief systems, gender identity, gender expression, sexual identities, abilities, appearances, occupations, and political affiliations.
Enhancing our diversity is a journey of both moral and educational importance and a learning and growth experience for our whole community. EIS is committed to using these principles to promote an environment of safety, acceptance, and respect for all students and stakeholders.

Honoring the multiple perspectives that exist in our increasingly diverse communities, EIS seeks to engage in ongoing conversations in education and collectively we find many ways to facilitate community-based participation in the coconstruction of the educational experience in our schools; parent-school partnerships are foundational to our schools. At EIS, we strive to define and uphold the following definitions: Diversity: Welcoming all the many dimensions of diversity in your school community (race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, religious beliefs, and more) so that multiple identities are represented. Equity: The fair treatment of all people to ensure full participation and access to opportunities, growth, and learning. Inclusion: Ensuring that all employees feel safe at work and that each person is heard, supported, and respected for the unique background, experience, ideas, and perspectives they bring. Belonging: The experience of all community members being seen, known, and valued by their peers, colleagues, and leaders, so that they feel comfortable bringing their whole self to their work, and able to do their best work. Accessibility: The state of having programs, services, and environments that allow all individuals to participate fully in our school community without encountering barriers. To review specific policies, please log into the Parent Portal (under development) on our website, or arrange a meeting with the Board Chair or Principal.